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613 S Federal Blvd, Riverton, WY 82501, USA

Auto repair and tire shop in Riverton, Wyoming.

Stop by or call today for your auto-service and tire needs!

Second location (Hilltop) and auto shop at 912 W Main St Riverton, WY 82501, (307) 856-1412.

1555 N Federal Blvd Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-2289(307) 856-2289
(307) 856-2280
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755 S Federal Blvd, Riverton, WY, USA
(307) 857-6750(307) 857-6750
(307) 857-6801

For over forty years, Bailey’s has served Riverton and the surrounding area. We are proud to call Wyoming our home, love our community, and strive to be involved in events and projects. Our businesses include everything from auto services to fuel delivery to cooking up delicious meals at the Speedway Cafe.

Michael V. “Mike” Bailey, Owner of Bailey Enterprises, entered the family business as a full-serve island attendant at the age of 12 years old and has worked full time in the business since 1976.  Mike worked his way through almost every position in the company, learning and moving up the ladder until he became President and CEO in 2002 when his father Charles R. “Ron” Bailey retired.

810 Porter Avenue Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-2288(307) 856-2288
(307) 856-5333
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A Veteran-Owned and Operated Taxi Service, Wyoming Taxi focuses on providing safe, luxury transportation while prioritizing the community’s needs and giving back to veterans. Our mission is to deliver exceptional transportation services with a thoughtful approach while prioritizing the needs of the community. We value open communication with our customers and operate transparently and ethically, building trust and fostering long-lasting relationships. We actively support veteran causes to give back to those who served our country, striving to create a positive and inclusive environment for our customers and the community.

Available Services with Us
Airport Shuttle Service:
Offering transportation to Riverton Airport from Lander and also to Casper Airport.

Medical Appointment Transport Service
Timely transportation services are available for your medical appointments.

Additional Taxi Services:
Safe and reliable transportation within Wyoming.

Visit the website, call or send an email and schedule a ride today!


1175 N Federal Blvd Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-8171(307) 856-8171
(307) 856-8173
601 W Adams Ave PO Box 504 Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-2590(307) 856-2590
(307) 856-9880

Detailing Done Different strives to provide the highest quality automotive detailing and has a full line of Professional detailing supplies in stock.

800 E Monroe Avenue Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-4693(307) 856-4693
(307) 856-0112
1601 N Federal Blvd Riverton, WY 82501
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