
933 W Main Street Riverton, WY 82501
WCG 1.jpg
2348 SW Topeka Blvd suite 203, Topeka, KS 66611, USA

The only Choice Gas supplier governed by Wyoming communities, Wyoming Community Gas is a not-for-profit consortium of municipalities that operates as a hometown supplier of natural gas. Our Board of Directors (Joint Powers Board) is composed of elected officials and municipal staff from the Wyoming member communities we serve. We work in partnership with our member communities to help their residents and business owners learn more about the Choice Gas program and make an informed decision regarding their natural gas supplier.

When the Choice Gas program began in 1996, Wyoming Community Gas was here to serve you. And we have never stopped providing competitively priced natural gas backed with reliable service and a variety of pricing options to fit your budget.

Every year, Wyoming Community Gas returns a portion of its revenue to its member communities to help with a variety of hometown projects. From planting trees and supporting a local health clinic, to providing college scholarships and park improvements, we’re putting money back into the communities we serve helping fund projects that improve the quality of life for our customers. Wyoming Community Gas helps families enjoy the comfort and reliability of affordable natural gas for heating, cooking and other conveniences. We also provide natural gas for a wide variety of Wyoming businesses from factories to retail stores, from municipalities to offices.

1042 Railroad Avenue Riverton, WY 82501
(800) 563-0012(800) 563-0012
(307) 359-0409(307) 359-0409
(307) 261-3202
816 N Federal Blvd Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 856-2227(307) 856-2227
(307) 856-8270
1775 E Monroe Avenue Riverton, WY 82501
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